I recently finished my M.Tech in the Department of Systems and Control at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. My advisor was Prof. Ankur A. Kulkarni. I worked on applying weak duality in conjunction with convex relaxation to derive lower bounds for joint source-channel coding problems with feedback.
Earlier, I completed my B.Tech (with Honors) in Electrical Engineering along with a minor in Industrial Design from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. My B.Tech project on design of flyback converter was supervised by Prof. Mukul C. Chandorkar, and the studio project requirement at Industrial Design Centre was guided by Prof. Sumant M. Rao. I am also a recipient of the Undergraduate Research Award for my contribution to the field of Computational Electromagnetics.
I have collaborated with Prof. John Boland as a summer intern at CRANN Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, for the period encompassing May 2015 to July 2015 under the Erasmus program. Moreover, I was a Research Scientist at Systemantics India Pvt. Ltd. under the supervision of Dr. Jagannath Raju for the period beginning from November 2014 to December 2014.

During October 2016 to March 2017, I worked as a Research and Development Engineer at Works Application, Singapore, wherein I was involved in developing intelligent ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions for supply chain management.
After six months of corporate life, I decided to pursue my project aimed at innovating an easy to access framework for bicycle pooling inside universities campus and tech parks. While my ten months as a co-founder of Elegane Bikes, the project received recognitions from Andhra Pradesh government, FICCI, and was shortlisted for 4 months startup accelerator program organized by XLR8AP and IC2 institute, University of Texas, Austin. We were also endorsed by In2Korea and were invited to commercialize our technology in Seoul, South Korea.

Research interests
Large dynamical systems, stochastic control, information theory, cooperative game theory with asymmetric information structure, discrete optimization, economics and power electronics.

Key courses
Stochastic and networked control, Decentralized control of complex systems, Optimal control systems, Optimization, Multivariable control systems, Games and information, Nonlinear dynamical systems, Switched and hybrid systems, Network theory.

Sports: Badminton, cricket, tennis, table tennis.
Instruments: Piano, guitar, harmonica, flute, congo, dholak.
Miscellaneous: Collecting outdated coins, reading books, sketching, photography.
⟫ Current activities
⟫ Find me
Location: Lucknow, India
Email ID: anuragg.in@gmail.com
Homepage: www.anuragg.in