Running Courses
A basic and mandatory course for all Post Graduate new-entrants at Systems and Control. The course covers following major topics.
- Introduction to state-space modelling, canonical forms, transformations. Solution of state equations.Continuous-time and discrete-time.
- Classification of inputs and models, analytical and experimental methods of modelling: transform methods, impulse and frequency response, Fourier transform.
- Euler-Lagrange equations of motion and Lagrangian Modelling of dynamical systems.
- Illustrative modelling of various real physical systems such as Hot air balloon, Blood-glucose control, etc.
- Response to random inputs, state-space models, Z transform, correlation technique. pseudo-random signal testing parameter tracking, regression and least-square methods.
- Discrete time series models: FIR and ARX models, development of ARX models by least square estimation, Unmeasured disturbance Modeling: AR-MAX, OE, Box-Jenkin`s models,Time-series analysis, AR and ARX models, least-squares setting.
Course Updates:
An advanced course covering most recent advancements in Sliding Mode Control.
- Introduction to variable structure system, discontinuous systems: solutions in Filippov sense.
- Sliding hyper plane design: pole placement and LQR method.
- Digital sliding mode control, reaching laws for discrete-time sliding mode control(DSMC).
- Output feedback DSMC using multirate techniques.
- Sliding Mode Observers.
- Finite time and terminal sliding mode control.
- Integral sliding mode control, Integral sliding mode with composite nonlinear feedback(CNF).
- Introduction to Higher Order Sliding Mode(HOSM) control and observation.
- Application of sliding mode control: Flight control design, smart structure, slosh container system and nuclear reactor.
Course Updates: