
I am also an associated faculty member of C-MInDS, IIT Bombay.

I served as the Head of SysCon from May 2021 through May 2024.

Web of Science profile

Research interests

My research currently focusses on:

  • computationally tractable constrained control techniques, with emphasis on

    • structure-preserving geometric techniques for mechanical systems,

    • optimization based techniques for stochastic systems,

  • learning and approximation theory, robust optimization, and signal processing,

  • fundamental aspects of security of networked systems,

  • sparse control, with emphasis on exact \(L_0\)-minimization, and

  • applications of geometry, topology, approximation theory, and probability to control problems.

I am generally interested in intriguing problems classifiable under the broad domain of cybernetics.

Related articles may be found on the following pages: journals, book chapters, and conferences.

Education and experience

  • Senior Member, IEEE, Aug 2021.

  • Member, Board of Governors, IEEE Control Systems Society, for the calendar year 2019.

Journal editorial duties


  • Visitor, Hiroshima University, Japan, Jul 2023.

  • Visitor, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, Jun 2019.

  • Visitor, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, May 2018.

  • Visitor, MAC Team, LAAS Toulouse, France, Jun-Jul 2017.

  • Visitor, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, Dec 2016.

  • Visitor, Paderborn University, Germany, Nov-Dec 2015.

  • Visitor, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 03-21 Dec 2014.

  • Visiting Faculty, Indian Insitute of Management, Indore, Nov-Dec 2013.

  • Visitor, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Jun-Aug 2012.

Conference editorial duties

  • International Program Committee Member, IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2023.

  • Associate Editor, American Control Conference, 2019.

  • Program Committee member, SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) 2018, Japan.

  • Associate Editor, American Control Conference, 2018.

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, 2017.

  • Associate Editor, American Control Conference, 2017.

  • Member of the Conference Editorial Board, Control Systems Society, IEEE, 2017.

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, 2016.

  • Member of the Conference Editorial Board, Control Systems Society, IEEE, 2016.

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, 2015.

  • Member of the Conference Editorial Board, Control Systems Society, IEEE, 2015.

  • Member of the Conference Editorial Board, European Control Conference, 2015.

  • Associate Editor, European Control Conference, 2014.

  • Associate Editor, European Control Conference, 2013.


  • Postdoctoral research with John Lygeros at the Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, from November 2007 through June 2011 prior to joining the faculty of SysCon, IIT-Bombay.

  • Graduate studies with Daniel Liberzon: MS in 2004 and PhD in 2007 in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). During this period I was a research assistant at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, UIUC.

  • B.Tech (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, in 2002. Amit Patra was my UG research supervisor.

GNU public key


mQENBFrSO3MBCADnTD9wne8D7RFYAZ4oJ1qOi26POG8Mg6wjQJxuX2xRE5lc3RMG rv+cpwWAYq6/+e6VO1/VJkHlavgyEct2Ea+IpjTKa4zbTYl5ZdxFXfdufatXaSzQ YTI9FgQFiFA7RJwZE0sdBZtlutZfT9vpJYZU7NPJYNN0v82maQes5qXOInw+1AVX CQpsXOjtWYXnuTx6fazbNaY+8ftzvO9jClueg1Wgl1/9eVQ3ZC+kFqG2oHkzZ298 k8wIxWfmp1Fhf/kKpbl14FbLJH5Q0Tf7i+zekkN3DB610gsFd9PRZefwEKCu+aGK XbtIS/BchU2dxPwZ805OQDO6MYnAZ76XDVjhABEBAAG0KkRlYmFzaXNoIENoYXR0 ZXJqZWUgPGNoYXR0ZXJqLmRAZ21haWwuY29tPokBVAQTAQgAPhYhBEh49iHf6VcQ 7rmyUoYC5Lh8OSCKBQJa0jtzAhsDBQkDwmcABQsJCAcCBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEIYC5Lh8OSCK2ZUH/iijvGURrW0XekYM+4VLjrqKoyrC6U23d+WvnPTB +byKXsFAmlggu/Ia3P8w4RIcuwYT+lMULNgQDNfS+cixHsYe01MD5acQuIo1md9h tjFDYbRjq5cbgKzUS98uNvRTrj8AvVB7rzD9abeW02X5ma8RcrQNnMcZrPW33GYC ywk66jqLH8tbWzeAN5VnxFmV1el/6p0WXV3BYf6FlGeMsIElTZB4cPdNvP39yZ6d vhpJuYSslBmnrsvFuQK9VkSjbxkrhqQe2JjyZM+2pItFIjN5vRohqWGwVy7eVBP1 pazalEtZgkwdoRDN3VhJbdpENpzw8oMQ+YYFKVKnpwM7FD25AQ0EWtI7cwEIAPBM t7OpZ1CI1hizSQq4lsqd5hycU5ZUa4/Vn0jA5w3dws93JoJrR7jNFEncXoOwgnev C2bV91GsSC/KsFYyaokK160yjCMbGMwu+tIllbl+mnAsxP5qUsDR/Dq3lpWAopLA m/rSCHV5tAgvj40m2HekUEe2nn60DqQQ/W2RJR9MRaFr4Oalm2Hztj9PUM34JpwO 6sV2mpEfGcWRJPzukKdVKZ/rMk81E+9VoXzurBJt9sc351CYGI/1fPuFWIhWRX5O x3TGoKPh2+Z2Hlz0eE00DBLhcd/mcM6t8sKn9LQe3mRF9ahQ0GupvXV1LNMN3khC 2iu6rNiGczhtGHiSXTsAEQEAAYkBPAQYAQgAJhYhBEh49iHf6VcQ7rmyUoYC5Lh8 OSCKBQJa0jtzAhsMBQkDwmcAAAoJEIYC5Lh8OSCKn4gIAMh/IuTdlLFpHJDRdGse vYyBcVyq8g6bbLiZAeLuK5zRr1spEVn2LwRQl9+WCLqac2nmatOE4YMQofNQL0tp ZxSLVt5tqpk2v8LDcF9q8ZMMg8Wrl1qnIjDFZ7mEagPrJ1HbT1YlAgy+CJTb81FC 1UL7Dz6IdIbRF9Uf/WFeqHwdHNEGl4CTvpKCnTHYUB8XRO3r3nPKJRI0EsF7AElK E7u9uXsJGc0qyeCVFtiAe4mnCrS3AMF+kukGGAYSJOo1s7h2euJhN06JY3/S/z7b DyIh+SkifMDeuY38rJQHGP2sP6nRqzXwKtFpVezo5nTEXkZBB/J9rX68L2ceZu5l ijU= =9SqW


Other interests

  • Interested in street photography.

  • Some early and naive endeavours may be found here.

  • Here are two photographs dating back to an era (almost prehistory now) when I had the opportunity to indulge in analog photography (of course, including developing and printing,) with my friend and colleague Rishi Khatri. While Rishi still goes analog, I succumbed to digital pressure just before moving to IIT Bombay.

Grainger library

Grainger library