Ankur A. Kulkarni
Professor and Kelkar Family Chair
Centre for Systems and Control, Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science, IIT Bombay Trust Lab, QUICST
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Publications (accepted/published)
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Shannon meets Myerson: Information Extraction from a Strategic Sender”, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2024 [arXiv].
Smita Lokhande, Yogesh Bichpuriya, Ankur A. Kulkarni and Venkatesh Sarangan, “An Optimized Trading Strategy for an Energy Storage Systems Aggregator in Ancillary Service Markets”, accepted by the Journal of Energy Storage, 2023.
Reema Deori and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Information Revelation Through Signalling”, Systems and Control Letters, 2022 [arXiv]
Karan Chadha and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “On Independent Cliques and Linear Complementarity Problems”, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2021
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Minimax Theorems for Finite Blocklength Lossy Joint Source-Channel Coding over an Arbitrarily Varying Channel”, Problems of Information Transmission, 2021
Ankur A. Kulkarni, Indu Yadav and Abhay Karandikar, “Strategy-Proof Spectrum Allocation among Multiple Operators in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020
Karan N. Chadha, Ankur A. Kulkarni and Jayakrishnan Nair, “Efficiency Fairness Tradeoff in Battery Sharing”, Operations Research Letters, 2021
Vivek Deulkar, Jayakrishnan Nair, Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Statistical Economies of Scale in Battery Sharing”, Journal of Energy Storage 2021
Mathew Abraham and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Price-coupling Games and the Generation Expansion Planning Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 2020
Vivek Deulkar, Jayakrishnan Nair and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Sizing Storage for Reliable Renewable Integration: A Large Deviations Approach”, [https:www.sciencedirect.comsciencearticlepiiS2352152X1931730X
Karan N. Chadha and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Aggregate Play and Welfare in Strategic Interactions on Networks”, accepted by the Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Shannon meets von Neumann: A Minimax Theorem for Channel Coding in the Presence of a Jammer”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2020
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Improved Finite Blocklength Converses for Slepian-Wolf Coding via Linear Programming”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2018
Mathew Abraham and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “An ADMM-Based Algorithm for Solving DC-OPF in a Large Electricity Network Considering Transmission Losses”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2018
Mathew Abraham and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “New Results on the Existence of Open Loop Nash Equilibria in Discrete Time Dynamic Games via Generalized Nash Games”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2018
Parthe Pandit and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Refinement of the Equilibrium of Public Goods Games over Networks: Efficiency and Effort of Specialized Equilibria”, The Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol 79, pp 125–139 [arXiv] [MPRA], 2018.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Local and Networked Mean Square Estimation with High Dimensional Log-concave Noise”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 64, Issue 4, pp 1-15, 2017
Parthe Pandit and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “A Linear Complementarity Based Characterization of the weighted independence number and the independent domination number in graphs”, Discrete Applied Mathematics Vol 244, pp 155–169, 2018.
Mathew Abraham and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “An Approach Based on Generalized Nash Games and Shared Constraints for Discrete Time Dynamic Games”, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2017
Ankur A. Kulkarni, Near-Optimality of Linear Strategies for Static Teams with 'Big’ Non-Gaussian Noise, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018 [arXiv]
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Linear Programming based Converses for Finite Blocklength Lossy Joint Source-Channel Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 63, No 11, pp 7066 – 7094, (2017) [arXiv]
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Games and Teams With Shared Constraints”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2017 (invited paper)
Daniel Cullina, Negar Kiyavash and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Restricted Composition Deletion Correcting Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 62, No 9, pp 4819 – 4832
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, “An Existence Result for Hierarchical Stackelberg vs Stackelberg Games”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 60, No 12, pp 3379–3384 (2015) [arXiv]
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, “A Shared-Constraint Approach to Multi-leader Multi-follower Games”, Set-valued and Variational Analysis, Vol 22, No 4, pp 691–720 (2014) [arXiv]
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Todd P. Coleman, “An Optimizer’s Approach to Stochastic Control Problems with Nonclassical Information Structures”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 60, No 4, pp 937–949 (2015) [arXiv]
Ankur A. Kulkarni, Negar Kiyavash and R. Sreenivas, “On the Varshamov-Tenengolts Construction on Binary Strings”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 317, pp 79–90, (2014).
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Negar Kiyavash, “Non-asymptotic Upper Bounds for Deletion Correcting Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 59, No 8, pp 5115–5130 (2013) [arXiv]
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, Revisiting Generalized Nash Games and Variational Inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 154, No 1 (2012), pp 175-186.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, On the Variational Equilibrium as a Refinement of the Generalized Nash Equilibrium, Automatica Volume 48, Issue 1 (2012), pp 45–55
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Vivek S. Borkar, Finite Dimensional Approximation and Newton-based Algorithm for Stochastic Approximation in Hilbert Space, Automatica, Volume 45 (2009), pp 2815–2822
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, Recourse-based Stochastic Nonlinear Programming: Properties and Benders-SQP Algorithms, Computational Optimization and Applications Volume 51, Issue 1, (2012), pp 77-123. Published in Online first (2010): DOI: 10.1007/s10589-010-9316-8
Conference (refereed)
Reema Deori and Ankur A Kulkarni, “Trust in Persuasion for Binary Adversarial Classification”, RAWNET Workshop in WiOpt 2024, the 22nd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks.
Manish Kumar Singh and Ankur A Kulkarni, “Optimal Stochastic Decision Rule for Strategic Classification”, National Conference on Communications, 2024.
Reema Deori and Ankur A Kulkarni, “Zero-Error Communication with an Influencer”, National Conference on Communications, 2023.
Shashank Deshpande and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Beyond Common Randomness: Quantum Resources in Decentralized Control”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Fraud Detection and Deterrence in Electronic Voting Machines: A Game-Theoretic Approach”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
Gauri Garg (IITB), Harshad Khadilkar, Ankur A. Kulkarni and Aditya Paranjape, “Classifier Design for Decentralised Sensing with Digital Communication” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Mukesh Kumar, “Privacy Preservation in LQG Teams”, Indian Control Conference, 2023.
Manish K. Singh and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Strategic Multiclass Classification with Non-uniform Preferences and its Relation to Incentive Compatibility”, Indian Control Conference 2022 (Best student paper award).
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Optimal Questionnaires for Screening of Strategic Agents”, accepted for ICASSP 2021 (invited paper).
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Information Extraction from a Strategic Sender over a Noisy Channel”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020.
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, "Zero Error Strategic Communication, Proceedings of SPCOM 2020.
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Achievable Rates for Strategic Communication”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory, 2020.
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Communicating with a Strategic Sender”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications 2020.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Anupama Kowli, “Addressing the Free-Rider Problem in Voluntary Demand Response Programs”, accepted by the Indian Control Conference, 2019.
Vivek Deulkar, Jayakrishnan Nair and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Sizing Storage for Reliable Renewable Integration”, PowerTech 2019.
Indu Yadav, Ankur A. Kulkarni and Abhay Karandikar, “Strategy-proof Spectrum Allocation among Multiple Operators”, accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2019.
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “A Minimax Theorem for Finite Blocklength Joint Source-Channel Coding over an AVC”, accepted by the National Conference on Communications, 2019.
Mansi Sood, Sharayu Moharir and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Pricing and Commission in Two-Sided Markets with Free Upgrades”, to appear in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018.
Sharu Thereasa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “On a Game Between a Delay-constrained Communication System and a Finite State Jammer”, accepted by IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2018.
Mansi Sood, Ankur A. Kulkarni and Sharayu Moharir, “Platform Competition for Throughput in Two-sided Freelance Markets”, to appear in the Proceedings of SPCOM 2018.
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “New Finite Blocklength Converses for Asymmetric Multiple Access Channels via Linear Programming”, to appear in the Proceedings of SPCOM 2018 (Runner-up Best Paper Award).
Mansi Sood, Sharayu Moharir and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Pricing in Two-Sided Markets in the Presence of Free Upgrades”, accepted by COMSNETS 2018.
Mathew Abraham and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “On the Existence of Equilibria in Price-Coupling Games”, to appear in the Proceedings of the Indian Control Conference, 2018 (Best Student Paper Award).
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Linear Programming based Finite Blocklength Converses for Some Network-like Problems”, to appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2017.
Smita Solanki and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Separating the Good from the Bad in Rating Systems: A Framework and Numerical Evidence”, Proceedings of IEEE SPICES 2017.
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “A Linear Programming Based Channel Coding Strong Converse for the BSC and BEC”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications 2017 (Best Paper Award).
Parthe Pandit and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Non-constructive Lower Bounds for Binary Asymmetric Error Correcting Codes”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications 2017.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Mean-square estimation with high dimensional log-concave noise”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Approximately Optimal Linear Strategies for Static Teams with 'Big’ Non-Gaussian Noise”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015.
Sharu Theresa Jose and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “A Linear Programming Relaxation for Stochastic Control Problems with Non-Classical Information Patterns”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015.
Bharat Prabhakar and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Dimensionality Reduction of Affine Variational Inequalities Using Random Projections”, Proceedings of the Allerton Conference 2014.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Insertion and Deletion Errors with a Forbidden Symbol”, to appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2014.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, “On the Consistency of Leaders’ Conjectures in Hierarchical Games”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013, pp 1180–1185.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Todd P. Coleman, An Optimizer's approach to Stochastic Control Problems with Nonclassical Information Structure, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012, pp 154–159.
Daniel Cullina, Ankur A. Kulkarni, and Negar Kiyavash, A Coloring Approach to Constructing Deletion Correcting Codes from Constant Weight Subgraphs, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2012.
Ankur A. Kulkarni and Uday V. Shanbhag, New Insights on Generalized Nash Games with Shared Constraints: Constrained and Variational Equilibria, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2009.
Wei Chen, Dayu Huang, Ankur A. Kulkarni, Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan, Quanyan Zhu, Prashant Mehta, Sean Meyn, Adam Wierman, Approximate Dynamic Programming using Fluid and Diffusion Approximations with Applications to Power Management, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2009.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, Albert Rossi, Jay Alameda and Uday V. Shanbhag, A Grid-Computing Framework for Quadratic Programming Under Uncertainty, Proceedings of the TeraGrid, 2007.
Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Graph Partitioning and Aerospace – Partitioning Unstructured Grids for CFD using Graph Theory”, Proceedings of 18th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, 2004.
Preprints/under review
Manish Kumar Singh and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Strategic Classification for Non-uniform Preferences using Penalty Labels and Randomisation”, under review with Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Rene Aid, Anupama Kowli and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Signalling for Electricity Demand Response: When is Truth Telling Optimal?”, under review
Shashank Deshpande and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “The Quantum Advantage in Binary Teams and the Coordination Dilemma: Part I”, under review with the IEEE Transactions on the Control of Networked Systems, 2023.
Shashank Deshpande and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “The Quantum Advantage in Binary Teams and the Coordination Dilemma: Part II”, under review with the IEEE Transactions on the Control of Networked Systems, 2023.
Shashank A. Deshpande and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “The Quantum Advantage in Decentralized Control”, under review with Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2023 [arXiv].
Shraddha Pathak and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “A Scalable Bayesian Persuasion Framework for Epidemic Containment on Heterogeneous Networks”, under review with the Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2022 [arXiv].
Anuj S. Vora and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Achievable Rates for Information Extraction from a Strategic Sender”, revision under review with IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023 [arXiv]
Reema Deori and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Informativeness and Trust in Bayesian Persuasion”, under review with Dynamic Games and Applications [arXiv]
Apurva Dhingra and Ankur A. Kulkarni, “Revisiting Common Randomness, No-signaling and Information Structure in Decentralized Control”, under review with Systems and Control Letters [arXiv]
Generalized Nash Games with Shared Constraints: Existence, Efficiency, Refinement and Equilibrium Constraints. Can be downloaded here. But I suggest you look at my papers for the most up-to-date version of that work.
Topics in Stochastic Optimization and Equilibrium Problems, M.S. Thesis, UIUC. Published as a monograph with VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, July 2009.
Adaptive Sampling based Sampling Strategies for the DACE Surrogate Model for Expensive Black-box functions, B. Tech. Project, IIT Bombay.